Backup and Restore a GigaFlow Configuration

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It is important to create a backup of the configuration after you did the changes to the GigaFlow server’s configuration.


Create a GigaFlow configuration backup for use on a new server on Windows

All the settings made to Gigaflow are stored in the Postgresql database. Thus, it is necessary to use the Postgres pg_dump command to perform the backup.

Find the binaries for Windows

The binaries will be installed in the Postgres installation folder. To find this folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Services application in Windows.
  2. In the Services (Local) list, find the postgresqlXXXXX service.
  3. Right-click the postgresqlXXXXX service, and select the Properties option.
  4. From the General tab, copy the "path to executable" string.
    Note: This folder is the location required to run the backup and restore commands on (for example, D:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\).
  5. Open an administrator command prompt shell, and change the current working directory to that folder.

How to create a backup

  1. In the administrator command prompt shell, run the following command:
    pg_dump -E UTF8 --table=attributecategories --table=attributevalues_0 --table=attributevalues_1 --table=attributevalues_2 --table=attributevalues_3 --table=attributevalues_4 --table=attributevalues_5 --table=attributevalues_6 --table=blacklistslocal --table=blacklistslocalentries --table=blacklistsources --table=customerdevicesettings --table=customersettings --table=dataaccessgroupmembers --table=dataaccessgroups --table=definedapplications --table=deviceinterfaces --table=devices --table=eventtriggers --table=eventtypes --table=flowobjects --table=forensicsreports --table=geoips --table=gigastors --table=integrations --table=interfacefilters --table=interfacealertsettings --table=interfacetypes --table=ldapgroups --table=ldapusers --table=ldapnestedgroups --table=multiservertargets --table=networkaudits --table=pentypes --table=penvendors --table=portalusers --table=portparams --table=profilers --table=profilerstoallowedprofiles --table=profilerstoentryprofiles --table=queryfielderservers --table=reportlinks --table=reportnameoverrides --table=savedreports --table=serverparams --table=serversubnetport --table=serversubnets --table=snmppollerclasses --table=snmppollerclassesforsysoid --table=sqlreports --table=standardapplications --table=stattypes --table=syslogprocessors --table=syslogprocessorsdefault --table=trafficgroups --table=trafficgroupsdeployed --table=trafficgroupsubnets --table=eventrunners --table=eventrunners_versioned --table=definedservers --table=usergroups --table=userldapsettings --table=userpermissions --table=users --table=whitelist --table=azureaccounts --table=azurecontainers --table=aws_s3_bucket_config --table=awsconnections --table=cloudinstancetoip --table=fwevent --table=fwextcode --table=fwextcodestoappids --table=netflowignores --table=statnames --host= -U myipfix -f GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql
  2. You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
    This will create the file GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql in the current directory.
  3. Move the GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql file to the location where you store the archive configurations.

How to restore from a GigaFlow configuration backup

Caution: The following process will drop the existing database on the server.
  1. In the Services (Local) list, right-click the GigaFlow service and select the Stop option.
  2. Upload the required GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql file to the machine.
  3. If you want to delete the old data, then run the following command:
    Note: Make sure that the GigaFlow service is stopped.
    1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "drop database myipfix" postgres
      Note: You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
  4. To restore data from the configuration backup, run the following commnads:
    1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "create database myipfix owner=myipfix" postgres
    2. psql --host= --username=myipfix < ./GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql
      Note: You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
  5. Restart GigaFlow.

If you want to reset the serverid on a new server, then run the following command:

  1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "delete from serverparams where key in('serverid','installtime','license')"

Create a GigaFlow configuration backup for use on a new server on Linux

All the settings made to Gigaflow are stored in the Postgresql database. Thus, it is necessary to use the Postgres pg_dump command to perform the backup.

Find the binaries for Linux

The binaries will be installed in the Postgres installation folder. To find this folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal prompt with suitable permissions.
  2. Run the following command:
    ps aux | grep postmaster
    Note: You should get an output similar to postgres 1834 0.0 0.4 17464052 443692 ? Ss Jul10 0:02 /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/. For this example the string /usr/pgsql-11/bin/ is the location of the required file.
  3. Change the current working directory to that folder, and follow the backup and restore procedures.

How to create a backup

  1. In the terminal prompt, run the following command:
    pg_dump -E UTF8 --table=attributecategories --table=attributevalues_0 --table=attributevalues_1 --table=attributevalues_2 --table=attributevalues_3 --table=attributevalues_4 --table=attributevalues_5 --table=attributevalues_6 --table=blacklistslocal --table=blacklistslocalentries --table=blacklistsources --table=customerdevicesettings --table=customersettings --table=dataaccessgroupmembers --table=dataaccessgroups --table=definedapplications --table=deviceinterfaces --table=devices --table=eventtriggers --table=eventtypes --table=flowobjects --table=forensicsreports --table=geoips --table=gigastors --table=integrations --table=interfacefilters --table=interfacealertsettings --table=interfacetypes --table=ldapgroups --table=ldapusers --table=ldapnestedgroups --table=multiservertargets --table=networkaudits --table=pentypes --table=penvendors --table=portalusers --table=portparams --table=profilers --table=profilerstoallowedprofiles --table=profilerstoentryprofiles --table=queryfielderservers --table=reportlinks --table=reportnameoverrides --table=savedreports --table=serverparams --table=serversubnetport --table=serversubnets --table=snmppollerclasses --table=snmppollerclassesforsysoid --table=sqlreports --table=standardapplications --table=stattypes --table=syslogprocessors --table=syslogprocessorsdefault --table=trafficgroups --table=trafficgroupsdeployed --table=trafficgroupsubnets --table=eventrunners --table=eventrunners_versioned --table=definedservers --table=usergroups --table=userldapsettings --table=userpermissions --table=users --table=whitelist --table=azureaccounts --table=azurecontainers --table=aws_s3_bucket_config --table=awsconnections --table=cloudinstancetoip --table=fwevent --table=fwextcode --table=fwextcodestoappids --table=netflowignores --table=statnames --host= -U myipfix -f GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql
  2. You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
    This will create the file GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql in the current directory.
  3. Move the GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql file to the location where you store the archive configurations.

How to restore from a GigaFlow configuration backup

Caution: The following process will drop the existing database on the server.
  1. Stop the GigaFlow service. In the terminal prompt, run:
    systemctl stop gigaflow
  2. Upload the required GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql file to the machine.
  3. If you want to delete the old data, then run the following commands:
    Note: Make sure that the GigaFlow service is stopped.
    1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "drop database myipfix" postgres
      Note: You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
  4. To restore data from the configuration backup, run the following commnads:
    1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "create database myipfix owner=myipfix" postgres
    2. psql --host= --username=myipfix < ./GigaFlowConfigBackup.sql
      Note: You may be prompted for the database password, that is myipfix.
  5. Restart GigaFlow.

If you want to reset the serverid on a new server, then run the following command:

  1. psql --host= --username=myipfix -c "delete from serverparams where key in('serverid','installtime','license')"