Difference between revisions of "Event Records"

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(What is Recorded?)
(What is Recorded?)
Line 35: Line 35:
| int
| int
| -11
| -11
| Attempted access by blacklisted resources.
| postureBlackListDst
| postureBlackListDst
| int
| int
| -12
| -12
| Attempted access to blacklisted resources.
| profilerException
| profilerException
| int
| int
| -20
| -20
| Profile exceptions, i.e. GigaFlow administrator-defined behaviours deviating from norms.
Line 59: Line 59:
| int
| int
| -100
| -100
| A SYN event.
| synSrcPortException
| synSrcPortException
| int
| int
| -101
| -101
| A SYN event.
| synSrcIPException
| synSrcIPException
| int
| int
| -102
| -102
| A SYN event.
| synSrcIPAndPortException
| synSrcIPAndPortException
| int
| int
| -103
| -103
| A SYN event.
| synDst
| synDst
| int
| int
| -120
| -120
| A SYN event.
| synDstPortException
| synDstPortException
| int
| int
| -121
| -121
| A SYN event.
| synDstIPException
| synDstIPException
| int
| int
| -122
| -122
| A SYN event.
| synDstIPAndPortException
| synDstIPAndPortException
| int
| int
| -123
| -123
| A SYN event.
| lldpNewNeighbour
| lldpNewNeighbour
| int
| int
| -130
| -130
| A new connected device sending flows.
| lldpLostNeighbour
| lldpLostNeighbour
| int
| int
| -131
| -131
| A lost neighbour.
| deviceRestartsSendingFlows
| deviceRestartsSendingFlows
| int
| int
| -150
| -150
| A connected device that stopped sending flows restarts sending flows.
| deviceStopsSendingFlows
| deviceStopsSendingFlows
| int
| int
| -151
| -151
| A connected device that stops sending flows.

Revision as of 14:48, 22 November 2018

An Observer GigaFlow Event is a record that is created when a monitored flow pattern matches certain criteria.


What Generates an Event?

Some things that will trigger an event record include:

  • Attempts to access blacklisted resources.
  • Profile exceptions, i.e. behaviours deviating from norms.
  • A SYN flood event.
  • A lost neighbour.
  • A new connected device sending flows.
  • A connected device that stops sending flows.

See the Event definition in the Glossary and the main entry for Events in the Reference Manual

What is Recorded?

All GigaFlow flow records contain 29 fields or table columns. In the myipfix database associated with the GigaFlow installation, the netflow tables contain all flow records. See Flow Record Fields for the complete list.

Similarly, the Events tables contain all the Event records. See Event Record Fields for a complete list with descriptions. The Event record fields are:

id, customerid, device, firstseen, eventtype, eventsrctype, eventsrc, message, datatype, data, datasource, confidence, severity, category, target, country_src, division_src, latit_src, longd_src, country_dst, division_dst, latit_dst, longd_dst

Three events have both eventtype and posture set in the netflow and event tables in the database, i.e. these three event types can be determined immediately from Netflow records:

Record Field Type Code Description
postureBlackListSrc int -11 Attempted access by blacklisted resources.
postureBlackListDst int -12 Attempted access to blacklisted resources.
profilerException int -20 Profile exceptions, i.e. GigaFlow administrator-defined behaviours deviating from norms.

In addition, all of these event types have only eventtype set in the event tables, i.e. these event types are classified with additional information or information from many records and have no postureid set in the netflow tables:

Record Field Type Code Description
synSrc int -100 A SYN event.
synSrcPortException int -101 A SYN event.
synSrcIPException int -102 A SYN event.
synSrcIPAndPortException int -103 A SYN event.
synDst int -120 A SYN event.
synDstPortException int -121 A SYN event.
synDstIPException int -122 A SYN event.
synDstIPAndPortException int -123 A SYN event.
lldpNewNeighbour int -130 A new connected device sending flows.
lldpLostNeighbour int -131 A lost neighbour.
deviceRestartsSendingFlows int -150 A connected device that stopped sending flows restarts sending flows.
deviceStopsSendingFlows int -151 A connected device that stops sending flows.

How are the Records Accessed?

Data can be accessed:

  1. As a normal user, via the GigaFlow interface. See Events in the Reference Manual.
  2. As an automated portal user, via the GigaFlow API. See Forensic Data Using the API.
  3. From the database directly using a viewer such as pgAdmin or in code using a postgreSQL connector such as Psycopg2 for Python.

Sample Records

Typical records from an Event table with obfuscated IP addresses and locations:


805729 0 "-1407899398" "1541583542242" -11 8 "xxx.xxx.208.28" "Black List Src Hit(Botnet Strong) xxx.xxx.208.28->xxx.xxx.166.159" 1 {"Application":"SSH TCP/22","Black List":"https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/strongips.txt","Black List Type":"Source","Eventer":"xxx.xxx.208.28","appid":393238,"bytes":44,"device":"xxx.xxx.40.250","domain":"","dstadd":"xx.xxx.166.159","dstport":22,"duration":0,"eventname":"Black List Src","flags":2,"fwevent":0,"fwextcode":0,"inif":14,"macdst":"00:00:00:00:00:00","macsrc":"00:00:00:00:00:00","outif":13,"packets":1,"proto":6,"srcadd":"xxx.xxx.208.28","srcport":28148,"time":1541583574022,"timeH":"7-Nov-2018 09:39:34.22","tos":0,"user":""}" "https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/strongips.txt" 75 80 "Botnet Strong" "xxx.xxx.166.159" "CN" "Gansu" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000" "IE" "County Sligo" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000"


805752 0 "-1407899398" "1541583572146" -100 8 "xxx.xxx.86.55" "Syn Src Port Sweep xxx.xxx.86.55->xxx.xxx.85.74" 1 "{"Application":"TCP/3392","Eventer":"xxx.xxx.86.55","Syn Type":"Source","appid":396608,"bytes":40,"device":"xxx.xxx.40.250","domain":"","dstadd":"xxx.xxx.85.74","dstport":3392,"duration":0,"eventname":"Syn Src Port Sweep","flags":2,"fwevent":0,"fwextcode":0,"inif":12,"macdst":"00:00:00:00:00:00","macsrc":"00:00:00:00:00:00","outif":30,"packets":1,"proto":6,"srcadd":"xxx.xxx.86.55","srcport":43017,"time":1541583603834,"timeH":"7-Nov-2018 09:40:03.834","tos":40,"user":""}" "Syn Source" 100 100 "Syn Src Port Sweep" "Many" "RU" "St.-Petersburg" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000" "IE" "County Sligo" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000"


805738 0 "29885185" "1541583568627" -120 8 "Many" "Syn Dst Unreachable Server xxx.xxx.80.248->xxx.xxx..45.208" 1 "{"Application":"HTTP TCP/80","Eventer":"xxx.xxx.45.208","Syn Type":"Destination","appid":393296,"bytes":44,"device":"xxx.xxx.3.1","domain":"","dstadd":"xxx.xxx.45.208","dstport":80,"duration":0,"eventname":"Syn Dst Unreachable Server","flags":2,"fwevent":0,"fwextcode":0,"inif":8,"macdst":"00:00:00:00:00:00","macsrc":"00:00:00:00:00:00","outif":3,"packets":1,"proto":6,"srcadd":"xx.xxx..80.248","srcport":54028,"time":1541583584143,"timeH":"7-Nov-2018 09:39:44.143","tos":32,"user":""}" "Syn Destination" 100 100 "Syn Dst Unreachable Server" "xxx.xxx.45.208" "CN" "Guangdong" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000" "IE" "null" "0.00000000000" "-0.00000000000"


805801 0 "-1407899398" "1541583616150" -12 8 "xxx.xxx.195.7" "Black List Dst Hit(Apache(WWW) Scan/Brute) xxx.xxx.86.213->xxx.xxx.195.7" 1 "{"Application":"HTTPS TCP/443","Black List":"https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/apache.txt","Black List Type":"Destination","Eventer":"xxx.xxx.195.7","appid":393659,"bytes":104,"device":"xxx.xxx.40.250","domain":"","dstadd":"xxx.xxx.195.7","dstport":443,"duration":0,"eventname":"Black List Dst","flags":16,"fwevent":0,"fwextcode":0,"inif":30,"macdst":"00:00:00:00:00:00","macsrc":"00:00:00:00:00:00","outif":12,"packets":2,"proto":6,"srcadd":"xxx.xxx.86.213","srcport":51330,"time":1541583646846,"timeH":"7-Nov-2018 09:40:46.846","tos":0,"user":""}" "https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/apache.txt" 75 25 "Apache(WWW) Scan/Brute" "xxx.xxx.86.213" "IE" "County Sligo" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000" "US" "null" "0.00000000000" "0.00000000000"