Difference between revisions of "Flow Record Fields"

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# dstadd numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the destination for the traffic in this record
# dstadd numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the destination for the traffic in this record
# nexthop numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the nexthop for the traffic in this record
# nexthop numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the nexthop for the traffic in this record
inif integer //SNMP ifindex of the input interface that seen the traffic for this flow
# inif integer //SNMP ifindex of the input interface that seen the traffic for this flow
outif integer //SNMP ifindex of the output interface that seen the traffic for this flow
# outif integer //SNMP ifindex of the output interface that seen the traffic for this flow
pkts bigint //Number of packets transmitted in this flow
# pkts bigint //Number of packets transmitted in this flow
bytes bigint //Number of octets/bytes transmitted in this flow
# bytes bigint //Number of octets/bytes transmitted in this flow
firstseen bigint //Millisecond timestamp of when this flow started
# firstseen bigint //Millisecond timestamp of when this flow started
duration bigint //Millisecond duration of this flow
# duration bigint //Millisecond duration of this flow
srcport integer //Source port number for traffic in this flow record
# srcport integer //Source port number for traffic in this flow record
dstport integer //Destination port number for traffic in this flow record
# dstport integer //Destination port number for traffic in this flow record
flags integer //TCP Flags as an Integer value
# flags integer //TCP Flags as an Integer value
proto integer //IP Protocol number for this flow record
# proto integer //IP Protocol number for this flow record
tos integer //IP TOS/COS value for this flow record
# tos integer //IP TOS/COS value for this flow record
appid integer //Flowsec assigned application id, out of this box this would be the lowest of src/dst port number
# appid integer //Flowsec assigned application id, out of this box this would be the lowest of src/dst port number
srcas integer //Source AS number used for this flow
# srcas integer //Source AS number used for this flow
dstas integer //Destination AS number used for this flow
# dstas integer //Destination AS number used for this flow
userid text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User ID for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
# userid text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User ID for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
userdomain text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User Domain for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
# userdomain text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User Domain for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
srcmac bigint //Source MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
# srcmac bigint //Source MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
dstmac bigint //Destination MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
# dstmac bigint //Destination MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
postureid integer //Marking to indicate this flow is of interest (due to blacklist or profiling problems)
# postureid integer //Marking to indicate this flow is of interest (due to blacklist or profiling problems)
spare integer //Used to store the first packet response value. -1=unset, -2=no response in scope
# spare integer //Used to store the first packet response value. -1=unset, -2=no response in scope
url text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //Free for text field we use for things like applcation names (which will soon be moved to fwextcode) or URL data
# url text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //Free for text field we use for things like applcation names (which will soon be moved to fwextcode) or URL data
fwextcode integer //Additional field used to identify traffic (from Cisco NSEL)
# fwextcode integer //Additional field used to identify traffic (from Cisco NSEL)
fwevent integer //Additional field used to identify events(from Cisco NSEL)
# fwevent integer //Additional field used to identify events(from Cisco NSEL)

Revision as of 12:16, 22 November 2018

  1. customerid integer Used to store the traffic group source identifier
  2. device numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the device sending us the flow/syslog records
  3. engineid integer //Used to store the traffic group destination identifier
  4. srcadd numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the source for the traffic in this record
  5. dstadd numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the destination for the traffic in this record
  6. nexthop numeric(39,0) //Store the numeric IPV6 address of the nexthop for the traffic in this record
  7. inif integer //SNMP ifindex of the input interface that seen the traffic for this flow
  8. outif integer //SNMP ifindex of the output interface that seen the traffic for this flow
  9. pkts bigint //Number of packets transmitted in this flow
  10. bytes bigint //Number of octets/bytes transmitted in this flow
  11. firstseen bigint //Millisecond timestamp of when this flow started
  12. duration bigint //Millisecond duration of this flow
  13. srcport integer //Source port number for traffic in this flow record
  14. dstport integer //Destination port number for traffic in this flow record
  15. flags integer //TCP Flags as an Integer value
  16. proto integer //IP Protocol number for this flow record
  17. tos integer //IP TOS/COS value for this flow record
  18. appid integer //Flowsec assigned application id, out of this box this would be the lowest of src/dst port number
  19. srcas integer //Source AS number used for this flow
  20. dstas integer //Destination AS number used for this flow
  21. userid text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User ID for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
  22. userdomain text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //User Domain for this flow, may be as sent or inferred from other sources
  23. srcmac bigint //Source MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
  24. dstmac bigint //Destination MAC address (java long value), either as supplied or inferred from other sources
  25. postureid integer //Marking to indicate this flow is of interest (due to blacklist or profiling problems)
  26. spare integer //Used to store the first packet response value. -1=unset, -2=no response in scope
  27. url text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" //Free for text field we use for things like applcation names (which will soon be moved to fwextcode) or URL data
  28. fwextcode integer //Additional field used to identify traffic (from Cisco NSEL)
  29. fwevent integer //Additional field used to identify events(from Cisco NSEL)