HTTPS Provisioning

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You can view and change which ketstore is in use for SSL in the SSL panel of the Settings page Flowsettingsssl.png

Here you can use the drop down to view the certificates in the current keystore.

We highly recommend you use a different keystore name as future updates may overwrite the existing file.

In this example, we've copied the origional keystore (/opt/ros/resources/prepos/roskeystore.jks to /opt/ros/resources/prepos/roskeystore_new.jks) We've kept the same default keystore password "cashelros254"

All keystore management is performed using the java keytool command.

Generating a new keystore and self signed cert in /opt/ros/resources/prepos/roskeystore_new.jks

cd /opt/ros/resources/prepos/
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore roskeystore_new.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048

Importing a new key into the keystore

 keytool -import -trustcacerts -file -keystore roskeystore_kw.jks -storepass password

Removing an unrequired certificate

keytool -delete -alias cashelros -keystore roskeystore_kw.jks