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SQL Reporting Page

Available field manipulators

Fields can be converted by appending the following to the table column name
"__btoip" Converts the bytearray value to textual IP address
"__ltomac" Converts the long value to the textual MAC address
"__itoflags" Converts the integer value to the textual Flags Value
"__ltotime" Converts the long value to the textual Date/Time value
"__itoappid" Converts the integer value to the textual Application Name
"__itofwextcode" Converts the integer value to the textual FW Ext Code Name
"__itofwevent" Converts the integer  value to the textual FWEvent Name

Example showing the device IP instead of the numeric value

select device,device as device__btoip from netflow limit 10
returns: -1407899453