This is the list of senders to anuview and shows a measure of the flows or syslogs received per device. It also provides an insight to the storage levels for each sender.
There is on this page the ability to to all sending devices and to search for a particular sender. Each column is also sortable on the page.
The Devices page first column is the ID and this is the index the system creates on recieving flow/syslog for the first time this means if looking for the latest sender click the column to order and check the highest number.
The next column is the IP of the sender itself. Note in flow it is good practice to make sure that the source address is fixed to a consistent address ideally a vlan or management vlan address. If not there could be two entries if flows came in an alternative path for even a small period of time. The IP address can be selected and it bring you to a full overview and config page for that sender.
The next column is Name and is defaulted to the IP but is replaced if SNMP is accessible on that address. The snmp system name is then used. You can overwrite and apply and press the save button to overwrite.
The next column is Community is the snmp community string used to attempt access to retrieve system, interface and arp table details and more.
The next column is SNMP State this indicates if the sender can be snmp polled
The next column is Interfaces this shows the number of layer 3 interfaces
The next column is Stored MB this shows amount of storage used so to store the senders flows/syslog
The next column is Flows shows the number of flows/syslogs received since last reset/restart
The next column is Flows/sec which is the rate per second of flows being sent to anuview
The next column is Templates and shows the format of the flows or syslogs being sent
The next column is Forensics
The next column is GBs This indicates the max storage to be used in storing flows from this sender after hitting this limit it will purge oldest
The next column is Store The indicates if the senders flows are to be stored. They will still be checked against Blacklisting and profiling