This page shows the Existing listener ports available and if they are receiving flows or syslogs
The anuview system is built to receive and process flow records and session based syslogs. It also has the ability to process syslogs messages relating to user to IP login details.
The first thing to have is the system ready to listen and the senders will be configured to send to the anuview server address and also a defined port ...these must match.
The flow records will be processed automatically into the flow and flowsec databases. They will also be checked against blacklisted ips and checked to see if there are any matches in the entries of the profilers.
The syslog messages are sent to the syslog processor for parsing. The parsers using regedit needed to be defined for each type of message category that is being sent to anuview flow
The existing port section of the page shows the following details
The Port
The Type
The Settings
The Packets
Running Yes/No
Action Delete/Stop