Script to Delete Devices
From Observer GigaFlow Support | VIAVI Solutions Inc.
var devices=[ "","","","","" ] for(var i in devices){ var thisDevice = actions.getDevice(devices[i]); if (thisDevice!=null){ var c= thisDevice.getClass() var m = c.getDeclaredMethod("remove") m.setAccessible(true); log.warn(m) m.invoke(thisDevice) log.warn("Removing "+devices[i]); }else{ log.warn("Not Removing "+devices[i]); } }
You can also parse all devices and delete based on criteria such as no flows or snmp working
var count=0; for (var deviceid in actions.getDevices()) { var device = actions.getDevice(deviceid); if (device!==null&&device.getTotalFlows().compareTo(0)===0&&!device.isSnmpOK()){ var c= device.getClass() var m = c.getDeclaredMethod("remove") m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke(device) count++ log.warn("No SNMP Or Flows "+device.getIP()+" TotalFlows:"+device.getTotalFlows()+" snmpOK:"+device.isSnmpOK()+" total:"+count); } }