Update linux

From Observer GigaFlow Support | VIAVI Solutions Inc.
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Server With Direct Internet Access

If the server has internet access, then you can run the following command, which will download the latest build and install it (causing GigaFlow service to restart):


Upgrading to PostgreSQL 16.1

The upgrade process to PostgreSQL 16.1 requires to migrate the data in the old cluster version to the new major version. This happens outside the GigaFlow installation and to prevent data loss it is highly recommended to backup the original data. The following command will dump the existing PostgreSQL data to an SQL file that is used to restore the data in case of upgrade failures. In the terminal prompt, run the following command:

pg_dump -E UTF8 --host= -U myipfix -f GigaFlowBackup.sql

For GigaFlow and later, run the following script to upgrade to PostgreSQL 16.1:

/opt/ros/resources/unix/ObserverGigaFlow_Upgrade_PG16.sh 11

Server Without Direct Internet Access

If the server has no internet access, then copy the build https://update.viavisolutions.com/latest/ObserverGigaFlowUnixx64.tgz file into the server folder /opt and then run:

tar -vxzf /opt/ObserverGigaFlowUnixx64.tgz -C /

Restart the GigaFlow service.

Upgrading to PostgreSQL 16.1

The upgrade process to PostgreSQL 16.1 requires to migrate the data in the old cluster version to the new major version. This happens outside the GigaFlow installation and to prevent data loss it is highly recommended to backup the original data. The following command will dump the existing PostgreSQL data to an SQL file that is used to restore the data in case of upgrade failures. In the terminal prompt, run the following command:

pg_dump -E UTF8 --host= -U myipfix -f GigaFlowBackup.sql

For GigaFlow and later, run the following script to upgrade to PostgreSQL 16.1:

/opt/ros/resources/unix/ObserverGigaFlow_Upgrade_PG16.sh 11

Install or Updating to Gigaflow From An Earlier Version

When installing or updating to Gigaflow from any previous version, you should run the following command after the has been installed and then restart the GigaFlow service:


Double Check

To Double check that only 1 copy of GigaFlow is running, run the following command:

ps aux | grep java | grep ROS

You should see a single output similar to below:

root     2158693  3.1  8.6 5022980 686268 ?      Sl   Feb02  20:43 /opt/java/bin/java -Xms364M -Xmx968M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true ...........

If you see multiple entries, kill all the process and restart the GigaFlow service.

Restarting The GigaFlow Service

To restart GigaFlow, run the following command:
